Council Strategies and Plans

Action Plans

Reconciliation Action Plan(PDF, 1MB)

Planning, Environment and Biosecurity

Yass Gorge Plan of Management 2017-2027(PDF, 4MB)
Climate Change Action Plan(PDF, 2MB)
OSSMS Strategy - Yass Valley Council(PDF, 998KB)
(PDF, 2MB)Yass Valley Open Space Strategy Final Report 2024(PDF, 17MB)

Recreational Strategies 

2017 Park and Playground Strategy(PDF, 4MB)
2017 Walker Park Strategic Plan(PDF, 1MB)
2021 Strategic Plan Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds(PDF, 4MB)
Yass Valley Open Space Strategy Final Report 2024(PDF, 17MB)

Village and street Masterplans


Binalong Masterplan(PDF, 5MB)
Bowing Masterplan(PDF, 6MB)
Sutton Masterplan(PDF, 1MB)
Gundaroo Masterplan(PDF, 2MB)
Yass, Bookham and Wee Jasper Masterplans - Design Report(PDF, 9MB)  
Yass, Bookham and Wee Jasper Masterplans - Appendices(PDF, 8MB)
2014 Main Street Strategy(PDF, 1MB)
NSW Endorsement 2019 Settlement Strategy(PDF, 11MB)

Asset Management Strategies

Parks and Recreation(PDF, 467KB)
Stormwater Drainage(PDF, 2MB)
Swimming Pools Caravan Parks(PDF, 433KB)
Transport(PDF, 2MB)
2022-23 Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 540KB)
Buildings(PDF, 471KB)

Water and Wastewater

Yass Valley Water Source Strategy(PDF, 453KB)
Water Supply Strategy(PDF, 12MB)
Integrated water cycle management strategy plan(PDF, 7MB)
Development servicing plan - Water supply(PDF, 1MB)
Development servicing plan - Sewerage(PDF, 1MB)

Tourism and Economic Development

DSNSW Destination Action Plan(PDF, 5MB)
DSNSW Tablelands Destination Development Plan(PDF, 7MB)
Southern Tablelands REDS 2023(PDF, 6MB)
CREDS Canberra Region Economic Development Strategy 2022(PDF, 8MB)

Council and Community

2017-2027 Bike Plan and Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan(PDF, 9MB)
2017 Digital Yass Valley Smart Region Strategy(PDF, 4MB)
Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 319KB)
Rye Park Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund Agreement(PDF, 2MB)
YVC Federal and State Government Support Priorities(PDF, 390KB)