Media and Communications


Media requests

All media enquiries are coordinated by Council's Media and Communications division. To make an enquiry or to request an interview, contact:

Receive Council media releases

If you are a journalist or media organisation that would like to receive media releases and notifications about media opportunities, please email your name, title and contact details to and we will add you to our media list

Use of Council's logo

To ensure Council's logo is used correctly you must obtain permission to use an approved, high resolution Yass Valley Council logo. For more information please contact the media and communications team:

Councillor Communication

The Mayor and Councillors can be contacted directly for enquiries regarding decisions of the elected Council and non-operational matters such as event invitations. For contact details, please see the Mayor & Councillors page.

Social Media

Yass Valley Council is committed to engaging with the community and keeping lines of communication open. Updates and important notices are regularly posted to our website and social media pages: