Work Experience Opportunities
Yass Valley Council welcomes expressions of interest for work experience/placements.
Work experience/placements are dependent on workload and availability of council officers. School, TAFE or university students may be suitable for work experience placements in the following areas.
Planning & Environment
- Environmental Services
- Environmental Health
- Ranger services
- Development Control - Planning
- Building Certification
Infrastructure & Assets
- Parks & Recreation Services
- Water & Wastewater Services
- Engineering Services
Coporate & Community
- Media & Communications
- Library Services
- Visitor Information Centre
Some of the above positions are required to hold a General Construction Induction (White Card).
Expressions of Interest should be no more than one page, outlining their background, skills and experience relevant to the area within Council that they would like to undertake a work experience/placement.
Expressions of Interest and enquiries can be sent to the HR team via email: