Bridge Renewal Program
- Project typeBridge construction
- Project value$11,855,345 - Funded by Bridge Renewal Program and Council’s Development Contributions Reserve.
- Project scheduleOngoing
- Contractor nameVarious
Project overview
Three grant applications were lodged in 2022 for the replacement of four low-level crossings under the Federal Government’s Bridge Renewal Program.
The low-level crossings are being replaced to improve road and traffic safety, increase flood immunity and to improve access for residents and emergency service vehicles during rain events.
All four low-level crossings are scheduled to be replaced by two lane concrete bridges and will be designed to current Australian Standards and Guidelines.
These designs will be prepared by qualified engineers, specialising in bridge design, using site specific preliminary information collected by specialist consultants including:
- Geotechnical data
- Environmental reviews
- Hydrological analyses
The low-level crossings being replaced are:
- Back Creek Road low level crossing over Back Creek;
- Nanima Road low level crossing over Jeir Creek;
- Greenwood Road low level crossing over Yass River;
- Greenwood Road low level crossing over Murrumbateman Creek.
Project details
NOTE: All concept designs are subject to change as part of the detailed design process
Back Creek Road low level crossing over Back Creek - Before image and proposed concept designs

Nanima Road low level crossing over Jeir Creek - Before image and proposed concept design

Greenwood Road low level crossing over Yass River - Before image and proposed concept design

Greenwood Road low level crossing over Murrumbateman Creek - Before image and proposed general arrangement

Project updates
October 2023
Back Creek Bridge - Murray Constructions were on site in October to complete the first round of the piling works for this bridge, they are now working off site casting all the large components that will be transported to site. They will return early 2024 (late Jan, early Feb); this will then see them remain on site until completion which is planned to be toward the end of April 2024. Once the team return early next year the bridge construction itself will occur quite quickly!
Jeir Creek Bridge - The bridge itself is now in place with the roadworks well underway. Complete Civil will be working to bring in all the gravel required to build the new road over the coming weeks so please remain vigilant and adhere to the traffic control measures in place.
All things going as planned, we should see the bridge constructed early 2024.
Greenwood Road Bridges - Council is well into the detailed design stage for the two new bridges, with one now completed and the other well underway. All things going as planned we will commence the procurement process for both bridges early-mid 2024.
September 2023
Back Creek Road Bridge- Murray Constructions will be briefly mobilising to site mid-October to undertake some of the piling works for the Murray Creek Road bridge replacement, as there are different piling methods being used these will be completed at different times. Murrays will then not be back to site until early 2024 (late Jan, early Feb), this will then see them remain on site until completion which is planned to be toward the end of April 2024. During the time absent from the site, all the precasting works will be undertaken so essentially all the bridge components are being made and will be transported to site to be constructed. Once the team return early next year the bridge construction itself will occur quite quickly.
Jeir Creek Bridge- Complete Civil have now mobilised to site and are working on constructing the bypass track. This will allow all traffic to continue to access Nanima Road during the construction of the bridge and will be one lane under traffic lights. Piling works are planned to commence next week, this will see a lot of large plant in the area – please use caution when moving through the construction site. All things going as planned, we should see the bridge constructed early 2024.
Greenwood Road Bridge- Council is currently finalising all the preliminary information collected including hydrological data and environmental reporting and moving into the detailed designs stage for these two sites.
August 2023
Back Creek Road bridge - Council have awarded the bridge replacement contract to Murray Constructions – this company has worked with Council before and deliver excellent work - we are looking forward to working with them again. At present we are working through the required paperwork and the team at Murrays are commencing the precast works. For this bridge design, the major concrete components are made off site and transported here, works on the ground will not be in full swing for a little while yet – but rest assured they are well underway!
Jeir Creek Bridge - The detailed design is in the final stages and works are planned to commence in September. The bypass track will be built first which will allow all traffic to continue to access Nanima Road - this will be one lane under traffic lights. Complete Civil, a local construction company will be undertaking the works and liaising directly with any affected residents onsite.
Greenwood Road Bridge Replacements - Preliminary works including hydrological modelling and environmental reporting are underway for these two bridge replacements. Works on the detailed designs are also underway.
July 2023
Back Creek Road bridge - The tender evaluation report for the bridge was sent to Council last week with a recommendation to appoint a contractor. We are hoping to commence works in October.
Jeir Creek Bridge - Design works are still underway for parts of the Jeir Creek Bridge replacement, off site casting work has commenced for the bridge componentry. Works are planned to start on site in September 2023.
Greenwood Road Bridge Replacements - Preliminary works including hydrological modelling and environmental reporting are underway for these two bridge replacements. Works on the detailed designs are also underway.
June 2023
Back Creek Road bridge - The bridge replacement is now to tender and will close on Friday, 7 July 2023. It will be taken to the July Council meeting for approval and works will be starting shortly thereafter.
Jeir Creek Bridge - Design works are still underway for parts of the Jeir Creek Bridge replacement, off site casting work has commenced for the bridge componentry.
Greenwood Road Bridge Replacements - Preliminary works including hydrological modelling and environmental reporting are underway for these two bridge replacements. Works on the detailed designs are also underway.
May 2023
Back Creek Road bridge - Council is finalising the detailed design for the replacement bridge; we are hoping to get it out to tender in the next few weeks and to the July Council meeting for approval. Works would be starting shortly thereafter.
Jeir Creek Bridge - Design works are still underway for parts of the Jeir Creek Bridge replacement, off site casting work has commenced for the bridge componentry.
Greenwood Road bridges - Preliminary works including hydrological modelling and environmental reporting are underway for these two bridge replacements. Works on the detailed designs will be commencing in the near future.
March 2023
Complete Civil have been working on the detailed design for the new bridge and associated road approaches, we expect this to be finalised in the next month or so. You may soon see some contractors onsite; they are undertaking some scoping works so we can determine the best option for the detour route whilst we construct the new bridge.
February 2023
The Jeir Bridge contract has been awarded for design and construction with a detailed design currently underway. Back Creek detailed design is underway and expected to be out to tender by April/May 23. Greenwood Road bridges are in the preliminary stages with survey, hydrology investigations underway.
November 2022
Council was successful in receiving funding under Round 6 of the Bridge Renewal Grant program to replace the causeway over Jeir Creek, and has been working behind the scenes to get the project off the ground.
This project has recently been tendered and went to the October Council meeting for approval. The contract has been awarded to Complete Civil, a local earthmoving company with extensive bridge construction experience.
The next step is to undertake a detailed design for the bridge. This design process will take several months, and all things going well, we expect to commence on site early next year. Council will meet with Complete Civil and work on a program for delivery – we will endeavour to provide you with updates as we move through the process.
Please be patient - the unprecedented wet weather will no doubt cause delays, however rest assured we are doing our best to get this delivered in a timely manner.
October 2022
Preliminary investigations have commenced on the two Greenwood Road projects - with a timeline for replacement ready later in the year.
A request for tender for the first of the Bridge Renewal Grant bridges, Jeir Creek Bridge on Nanima Road has now closed and will be taken to the October Council meeting for consideration - once awarded the detailed design work will commence, with works on the ground to be planned for early 2023.
September 2022
Council has received three grants for the Bridge Renewal Grant Program to replace four low-level crossings on Nanima Road, Back Creek Road and Greenwood Road (2). Preliminary investigations have commenced on all projects, with a timeline for replacement ready later in the year.
D&N Geotechnical will be undertaking geotechnical testing on both Yass River and Murrumbateman Creek Bridges on Greenwood Road. This is one of the preliminary studies required for the bridge replacements. There will be a stop/slow arrangement on Monday and speed reduction enforcement for the whole week at both bridges.