Australian Citizenship


Yass Valley Council holds four Australian citizenship ceremonies annually on behalf of the Federal Government.

How do I apply to become an Australian Citizen?
Application forms and further information can be obtained from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection:

Please note that Yass Valley Council has no involvement in approving your application.

I’ve applied for Australian Citizenship, what happens next?
The Department of Immigration & Border Protection will write to you to confirm once your citizenship has been approved. They will then add your name to a list of people in line to be invited to a Council citizenship ceremony. Once Yass Valley Council receives this information you will be sent an invitation to attend the ceremony. 

When are Citizenship ceremonies held?
Ceremonies are held on:

  • Australia Day.
  • Prior to Council meetings on the fourth Wednesday of March, July and November.

Citizenship ceremonies
Australian Citizenship Ceremonies are held for residents who wish to become Australian citizens. Citizenship ceremonies have an important symbolic role because they formally welcome new citizens from many cultures into the Australian family. The ceremony is a formal part of the citizenship process.